Perfect Paragraph

Weekly Topics


Perfect Paragraph is a difficult weekly writing challenge for students. Each week, students are given a choice of three topics. Students must select one of the topics to hand-write 100 words on.

The purpose of the Perfect Paragraph project is to learn how to practice the importance of not succumbing to slang or lazy writing styles in academic environments


By the end of the lesson, students will:

  • have practiced a drafting process
  • have practiced the importance of not succumbing to slang or lazy writing styles in academic environments


On going. Students must write one Perfect Paragraph per week.


Lined paper, pens

Grading for Perfect Paragraphs

Each week's paragraph is graded on a pass / fail basis. Paragraphs must have perfect spelling, grammar and syntax, and pristine handwriting in order to pass. A single error or poor use of handwriting will result in a non-passing grade for the week.

Pass - 10 points

Fail - 0 points

Perfect paragraphs must be written in pen.