Lesson 0 / Set Up
Download the Arduino IDE
Arduino is the software that is required. We will use it to write code and then also load that code onto the handheld you've made.
An IDE stands for integrated development environment. An IDE is software for building software!
The Arduino IDE is 100% free and open-source. When you download it from the website it will ask if you want to make a donation but you do not have to.
Install Arduino IDE
We need to install Arduino on to a laptop. We will need to configure the software with special instructions that we can't do yet on the online editor.
Install the software and any drivers or packages it suggests.
Open the Arduino program.
Configure Arduino
Before we start programming we need to set our software up with some extra stuff.
First start by clicking on File and then on Preferences.
Fine the field called Additional Boards Manager URLs:
Copy this line into the field
Press OK.
Now quit the Arduino Software and open it up again.
We just linked our software to a package that will help us do our coding. It was written by a programmer with the awesome name, Mr. Blinky. You can read more about his work here.
Let's install the package to use.
Click on Tools and go down to Board:
Now select Boards Manager...
Type "arduboy" up top in the search line.
Select "Arduboy homemade package" and click install.
Once it is installed click close to return to the main Arduino view.
Arduboy is the kind of handheld that we will be building and coding.
Now we need to pick the right settings for what we will be making
Select Tools up top
Click on Board:
Click on Arduboy versions >
Finally select Homemade Arduboy
Select Tools up top
Click on Based on:
Select Pro Micro 5V - Standard wiring
Now let's set the display. There are all kinds of displays with different sizes. Here is the one we are using:
Select Tools up top
Click on Display:
Select SSD1306-I2C (2 Mbps)
We done setting up Arduino IDE. Now let us connect our handheld to it.
First plug your device into your computer's USB port.
Select Tools up top
Click on Port:
Select COM # (Arduino Leonardo). The # will change depending on which USB port you plug into.
You did it! You are now ready to code your device!
When you're ready to upload code press the Upload arrow at the top of the screen.
Go to the next lesson to get coding your own games.
Credits: A huge shout out to Mr. Blinky for his homemade packages. It is truly amazing that people like him contribute to open source projects such as this that allows us to create such awesome stuff together.