Materials Needed

Here is a list all of the materials you will need to complete this project.  You can purchase items on your own or you can purchase a kit from me with everything put together that included printed instructions.

Solder Kit

Buy one that includes a soldering iron, a stand, and a solder pump. Bonus if it has solder, wire cutters, or other items that might be listed below.

From Amazon

1 or 2 Breadboards

This project requires a little bit of space so you will want either a large breadboard or two smaller ones. The smaller ones can snap together in different ways.

Full sized breadboard

Half sized breadboard

Pro Micro Atmega32U4 with headers

This is the heart of the handheld. We will connect all parts to it. We will learn to program this to run our games.

I would purchase a few of as it is handy to have one with the header pins soldered on and one without. Also the USB can be pretty easy to snap off.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress (cheap but long shipping times)

From Sparkfun

OLED Display 0.96" I2C 128x64 SSD1306 white

A tiny OLED screen which will be our display. Make sure you get the 128x64 version.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress (cheap but long shipping times)

USB Micro Cable

This is a USB A to Micro cable. You know, the old kind of cellphone cord.

From Amazon

6x6mm Tactile Push Button Switch

You will need at least 6. They typically come in large numbers which is good because they are small, easy to lose and break.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress

Male to Male Jumper Wires

You will need at least 20+

From Amazon

Double Sized Perfboard / Protoboard

These come in all kinds of different sizes and in multipacks. The minimum size you should consider is 5x7cm.  6x8cm and 7x9cm would work great. Make sure they are double sided.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress


I used 0.8mm  solder for this project. 50g will last you many projects.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress

22 AWG Solid Core Hook-Up Wire

Getting a kit of this with different colors is very helpful. Make sure it is single core and not multi-stranded.

From Amazon

From Aliexpress

Wire stripper with flush cutter tool

You will need one of these guys. The little plastic wire strippers that often come in other kits are terrible and don't work. Get this one.

From Amazon